Dj Kaczy
Dj Kaczy, also known as Adam Kaczor is a passionate zouk dancer for over 8 years. Music was love of his life from early ages. In primary school he started playing electric guitar and started rock music band with his friends.
When he discovered zouk it was love from the first sight. He was astonished by the unique flow of this dance and the variety of the music you can dance it to. He then started learning zouk from many different teachers and moving from city to city to develop his dance in many different directions.
Nowadays he’s a certified MAC instructor living in Rzeszów trying to build a new zouk community in there. As Dj Kaczy he wants to share with others what he loves in this dance the most – diversity. Starting from a smooth electronic music you can flow to, through a funky r’n’b music to which you can play with isolations and music accents, to more classic zouk music everyone knows. That’s what you can expect from his sets.